I enjoy the unique challenge of launching new cars and I spent 3 odd years working on Hyundai. It’s a long, tedious process, but uniquely rewarding as you see sales results within a month, and you know if your idea actually moved sheet metal. Here are my
2 favorite pieces. | Creative Director, Art Director

Hyundai’s new brand philosophy of “Better Drives Us” was revealed in this anthemic 60-second spot, just before the kick-off for Super Bowl 50. An estimated 111 million people watched it live. It aired just once.
Launch anthem for the 2018 Hyundai IoniQ Hybrid, the flagship version of the new IoniQ line of fuel-efficient cars designed for people who’ve been on the fence about alt-fuel cars. The spot delivered Hyundai’s core belief behind the IoniQ – America didn’t need another hybrid. It needed a better one.
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