How do you compete against brands that have billion-dollar ad budgets in the cellular service category, when you have about
$75 million? You pick a campaign that’s bold, provocative, controversial, funny, and certain to stand out. Our campaign featuring Ranjit & Chad, two Indian tech guys (based loosely on my friends and family who were H1B engineers) ran for 2 years, with over
30 commercials produced in English & Spanish. It got the attention of our target demographic - urban youth. The company’s stock price doubled, leading to T-Mobile (the nearest competitor) buying them for $1.5 Billion. Roger Linquist, the founder and the bravest client I’ve ever met, bought a Bugatti Veyron after the sale. I heard he named it “Ranjit.” It remains their most successful campaign to date. | Creative Director, Art Director
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